Service Leadership
Providing access that helps people navigate oppressive and traumatic experiences and systems.

The current economic, education, medical, and political systems within the United States and abroad are not culturally mindful, healing, nor human-centered. Everyday throughout the world people are subjected to brutal and traumatic impacts of other humans, natural disasters, and/or both. We utilize our experience, knowledge, and skills to provide access to culturally mindful, healing, and human-centered advocates, healing practitioners and resources to help people navigate oppressive and traumatic experiences and systems.
Healing Collective Trauma
There are mothers in this world that are forced to mourn their dead child, heal, and fight for justice all the same time, which is traumatic. There are people in this world harmed, judged, killed, and treated unworthy by the same people and systems that claim to have their best interest at heart. We all dwell on a planet that continuously experiences trauma caused by insatiability of the human race.

We support people fighting for justice because of gun violence, police brutality, and/or an officer involved shooting retains access to resources and tools to help them engage with the criminal justice system.

We assist families in gaining access to grief, mental wellness support, and other emotional support. We also aid people directly and indirectly impacted during and after experiences that cause trauma.

We connect people in need with healing practitioners certified in various modalities to assist heal their direct and/or vicarious trauma.

Get involved and Service People in Need
We celebrate seven years of servicing people in need in the heart of the spaces where they live and need assistance. We can only do this work by partnering with people and organizations outside of impacted areas to provide donations, resources, and support.
Our Three Pillars

Healing within Systems
Navigating inherently traumatizing and inhumane systems takes knowledge, skill, and perseverance. The criminal justice, education, department of child and family services, and medical systems were not created to center our human experiences. We provide resources and support to individuals and families navigating various systems.

Collective Healing
Healing is an individual and collective act. We all deserve and require space to come home to ourselves consensually and in non harmful ways. Healing as a collective provides us space to connect, learn, and grow with ourselves and others. Our healing sessions are centered around engaging participants in five senses in ways that invite peace, mindfulness, and being grounded in the present.
Disaster Relief
We have witnessed the impact of category five hurricanes, tropical, and winter storms annihilate families, homes, and people’s entire lives. Thousands of people have lost their homes, their livelihoods, because they did not have access to adequate care, information, resources, nor supplies. We collaborate with organizations and people located in the midst of impacted areas providing aid to others. We help people that help people.

Our Work
We have collaborated with amazing humans that chose to help others in the midst of chaos and pain. We connected with volunteers serving their peers, loved ones, and neighbors in the heart of where they live and work.
A Culturally Minded Response
A culturally mindful response was born to natural disaster during Hurricane Harvey in Texas 2015. We raised almost $25,000 to place people in hotels and airbnbs while they awaited their FEMA benefits. We were able to assist hundred of people relocate after the storm.
Helping the Local Community
Past Work in Wilmington, North Carolina during Tropical Storm Florence. We provided local organizers resources, support, and supplies.